Mare Bulc, Jana Flego and Katarina Petrov: Crème de la crème of Slovenian Contemporary Art
Author: Mare Bulc, Jana Flego and Katarina Petrov
Title: Crème de la crème of Slovenian Contemporary Art
Year of creation: 2004
Owner: Mare Bulc, Jana Flego and Katarina Petrov
Work info: album, web site, interaction with public
Description of work:
Crème de la crème of Slovenian Contemporary Art is an artistic project representing in an album with self-adhesive stickers 50+1 artists from Slovenia active on the scene at the beginning of 21st century. The selection was made by three artists who assumed the role of curators for this occasion: Mare Bulc, Jana Flego and Katarina Petrov. The artist and artistic groups willing to collaborate in the project are presented on self-adhesive stickers with a photograph and basic personal data: name, last name and field of artistic activity.
Mare Bulc (1974)
Mare Bulc is theatre director, actor and multimedia artist. He graduated in Communicology at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. He studied Theatre and Radio Directing at the AGRFT in Ljubljana. In 1994 he founded Dejmo stisnt (Let’s Grip It) theatre, which was awarded in 2000 with Golden Linhart Award for its opus. From 1994 to 2004 he took part as director or actor in the performances of Dejmo stisnt theatre as well as in individual theatre productions. In 2004 he founded “No History” – Contemporary Arts Association. He collaborated with artists Davide Grassi, Igor Štromajer, Emil Hrvatin and Erno Omarsdottir.
Jana Flego (1977)
Between 1996 and 2000 she studied Fine Arts at the Ljubljana School of Drawing and Painting. She works within the field of contemporary art, stage and costume design and restoration as well as with design and illustration. In 1998 she has co-founded the Association MKC Medvode. She presented her artistic work among other occasions in ŠKUC Gallery in Ljubljana (2004, 2005), at the Ljubljana festival Break 21 (2000), at the fortress Goričane (1999), in Labin, Croatia (1997). She collaborated as stage designer on projects of Škuc Ventilator, Chilli Space, the full-length feature film An Ode to Prešeren by Martin Srebotnjak and on projects of MKC Medvode. As assistant costume designer she worked on numerous TV series (Our Little Clinic, It Happens, Gardeners) and movies (History of Istria, Suburbia, Blind Spot, Marmelade).
Katarina Petrov (1974)
Graduated in 2004 at the School of Fine Arts in Ljubljana at the Painting Department. She works in the field of design, art, visual communications and Web presentations design. She presented her artistic work in Škuc gallery in Ljubljana (2004-2005), at the Mala Loka fortress (1997, 1998, 1999) and at exhibitions at School of Painting and Drawing – High professional school 1997-1999). She designed several Web presentations for artists, exhibitions and cultural organisations and conducted two workshops.