2. 2. 2009
Artservis’ Suitcase exhibited on festival ONLINE/OFFLINE

22nd -23rd of January, Cultural centre Točka, Lajka, Castro, Skopje

Informal network of cultural portals inSEEcp has joined the ONLINE/OFFLINE Festival at the end of January 2009. The festival was prepared by two network partners: the Macedonian portal Culture.in.mk and Plagij.at. The two days long festival was dedicated to Internet and culture.

Artservis as a member of the network presented the Artservis’ Suitcase. The mobile suitcase was created in the home workshop of multimedia artist Borut Savski and is at once a unique aesthetic and technological object. It consists of a processor, hard disk and other necessary computer elements united in a mobile transparent unit that enables the Artservis’ Collection to enter any public or intimate space.

Artservisov kovček na festivalu ONLINE/OFFLINE
